The Food Industry Initiative on Antimicrobials (FIIA)

The UK food industry acting together on AMR

Working with UK farming to promote responsible antibiotic use

Using influence and advocacy to facilitate change

Supporting the collation of national antibiotic data

About FIIA

The Food Industry Initiative on Antimicrobials (FIIA) brings together retailers, manufacturers, processors and food service companies to promote and support responsible antibiotic use in livestock farming and aquaculture – taking collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Activities are agreed by members, and focus on collaborative working and co-ordination of initiatives. A key part of this is promoting best practice in the health and welfare of animals in our food industry supply chain.

FIIA is led by a Strategic Board representing our members. The board defines the strategy and makes collective decisions on key commitments and actions.

The board has an independent chairperson, Sarah O’Brien, Professor of Translational Agritechnology at Newcastle University. A smaller Steering Group maintains momentum and implements actions between meetings.

FIIA task-and-finish groups have examined responsible use of antibiotics at farm level, data capture, and R&D, and FIIA is now implementing plans based on the findings. We support and engage with existing industry groups in these areas to ensure work is aligned and duplication avoided.

FIIA Members

Proud supporters of

AMR - Antimicrobial resistance

FIIA's Commitments

Since its inception, FIIA has:

How will we achieve these commitments?